I am so busy I don’t have time to make new patterns. Mike took the time to visit my shop and listen to what I wanted to do. He then went back and got the job done. Problem solved.
Russ Rodriguez, Owner - Fibersteel
We tried to buy our Three Meter Sphere in China, but they couldn’t make it round. Hood built the part in six pieces, and then they helped us improve the assembly of the segments. It’s hard to imagine why we didn’t buy American to begin with.
Eric Szumiesz, Mechanical Design Engineer - Labsphere
I could not get my last supplier to return my calls or keep his promises. What a difference since I started buying from Hood. We pay more, but the peace of mind is worth every penny.
Michael Berk, Principal - Luxe Golf Carts
On time deliveries of over 98% with an overall vendor score of +90%, I can always trust Hood to respond.”
Ben Resendez, Purchasing - Cambro Manufacturing